The INN members are amongst the leading players in their field in the markets that they are present in. There is significant member nursery tree export activity in North America and Europe extending into Eastern Europe, North Africa, Central Asia and the Middle East. The international customer base of the members is circa 7,000 grower entities.
The INN members are both long standing and experienced in their respective industries. The members have been working together for more than 20years, they are:
- Van Well Nursery (USA)
- Willow Drive Nursery (USA)
- Dalival SAS (France)
- Dalival Holding (France/China)
- Beijing IFO Fruit Technology Limited Liability Company
- Domain de Castang SAS (France)
- IFO SARL (France)
- CIV (Italy)
- Stargrow Group (South Africa)
- Grahams Factree (Australia)
- Waimea Variety Management (New Zealand)
- Andes New Varieties Administration (ANA) (Chile)
- Adams County Nursery
- Cameron Nursery

ANA Chile – Viveros Asociados Chile Ltd


Van Well Nursery


C.I.V. – Consorzio Italiano Vivaisti

Dalival Holding
Dalival Holding

Beijing IFO Fruit Technology Limited Liability Company

Graham’s Factree Pty Ltd

Waimea Variety Management

Dalival SAS

Domaine de Castang SAS

Willow Drive Nursery

Adams County Nursery