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WA 64

WA 64 is an attractive pink blushed apple with outstanding eating quality, being both firm and tasty. WA 64 is a Washington State University (WSU) apple release that originated from a cross between Honeycrisp and Cripps Pink in 1998. After several months in refrigerated storage, the apple has very little reduction in quality, particularly firmness. It is suited to the fresh market from a couple of months following harvest in late September through long-term storage.

The fruit matures evenly, is not prone to preharvest drop and can be harvested in one pick if the canopy structure allows for light exposure. Harvest date is similar to Golden Delicious in central Washington. WA 64 fruit has a high pack-out, it’s not sensitive to bruising and handles well on a commercial packing line. It has excellent retention of fruit flavor and firmness throughout storage.

WSU has licensed the International New-Varieties Network LLC (INN) as the exclusive licensee for WA 64 in the United States and internationally. Within the US, only growers in the State of Washington can be licensed to grow WA 64.

INN has appointed Willow Drive Intellectual Property Protection (WIPP) to issue licenses for WA 64. Only growers in the State of Washington can be licensed to grow WA 64.

Commercialisation outside of the USA will be managed by INN, please email the INN General Manager or phone + 61 418 312 910 to discuss this opportunity.

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Washington State Licencing

INN has appointed Willow Drive Intellectual Property Protection (WIPP) to issue licences for WA 64 in the State of Washington.

The key commercialisation terms are:
  • Nurseries that are registered under the Washington State Fruit Tree Certification Program (WSTFCP), or similar state tree certification program, as program participants are able to be licensed by WIPP to propagate and sell nursery trees of WA 64 in the State of Washington. A one-time license fee of $2,500 will apply to a nursery license.
  • A per-tree royalty of $1.35 will apply to all tree sales of WA 64.
  • Again, only growers in the State of Washington can be licensed to grow WA 64.
  • A trademark usage fee of $0.03 (3 cents) per pound will apply to all packed product that meets the trademark usage quality standards (meaning a royalty of $1.20 will be due for each 40-pound box, whereas Cosmic Crisp® averaged a royalty of $1.66 per 40-pound box for the 2022 crop year).
  • Packer licenses, to use the registered trademark on fruit of WA 64 that meets the trademark quality standards, will be issued to entities wishing to pack WA 64 apples. An annual fee of $5,000 will apply to each packer license.
  • Marketer licenses will be issued to marketing desks wishing to market trademarked fruit of WA 64, no fees will apply to a marketer license.
  • Trees planted for farmgate sales will pay an annual production royalty of $2.00 per tree which will apply from the second year after planting in addition to the per tree royalty due at the time of tree purchase.


Growers must email or phone WIPP in the first instance to receive and complete a WA 64 Grower Licence. Once the grower licence agreement is in place a grower may contact a Licenced Propagator (listed below) to order WA 64 trees.

Farmgate growers must email or phone WIPP in the first instance to receive and complete a WA 64 Grower Licence. Once the grower licence agreement is in place a grower may contact a Licenced Propagator (listed below) to order WA 64 trees. The trademark usage royalty of 3 cents per pound is replaced with a $2.00 per tree annual fee to be paid from the second year after planting.

Licenced Propagators

Washington State nurseries that are registered with the WSTFCP and listed on the WSTFCP website can be licenced to propagated WA 64 nursery trees. Nurseries interested in being licenced can email WIPP.

Note: Nursery trees of WA 64 can only be provided to Licenced Growers in the State of Washington.